Occasionally something comes along that you feel kinda passionate about. For some that might be a car. For others maybe a sports team or a certain band or singer who sings some crazy tune called " Love Song" ( that is you Sara...call me).
We all have though, some lil niche or thing that we love to do or participate in. Politics is one of the things I like to dabble in. Listening to music is another of the things that get's me jazzed up. Well back in February these two things were melded together when http://www.rfcradio.com/ Radio for Conservatives was born.
A simple brilliant idea that was the brain child of three people Andrew Riley, Elizabeth Crum and Duane Lester. The radio station has talk shows that run the gambit of conservative and libertarian views from hosts across the good ole U.S.A. The music selection is not what the stuffed shirts of the Republican Party of old would probably recommend. The music actually has people playing guitar...and LOUD.
If I may use a term that jumped the shark LONG AGO, it has a different vibe.
Being that they are just a new station and not yet established we need your help. To play the music that is played, royalties and fees must be paid.
So I'm asking two things here today. 1. Tune into http://www.rfcradio.com/ and check out the schedule and take a listen to the product that has been put together for the discerning conservative listener.
2. PLEASE DONATE to the station. Just go to the front page of http://www.rfcradio.com/ and go to the top of the page to donate. Any amount is greatly appreciated $1, $5, $10 whatever you feel you can afford. The liberal media is out to knock our blocks off and people like George Soros and his ilk would like to see us all have kidney failure just like Wanda Sykes hoped for Rush. You can help stem this tide by keeping a homegrown conservative grassroots radio station on the AIR.
I thank you in advance and wish you a GREAT damn day!!!
T LaDuke
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Gove Kennedy errrrr Schwarzenegger learns his lesson. Maybe
The People of Caliiiiiifornia have spoken.
They don't like the idea of their taxes going up anymore than they are currently. Who can blame them? The unemployment rate in the state is now hovering above 11% the current tax burden of the people of the left coast is higher than most other states and they are currently running a projected 21 billion dollar deficit.
Thank God they have Gov Arnie Terminator to ride in to save the day right?
From RTT news.........
Sounds great. Only problem is Gov Meat Head here is one of the problems. His idea of compromise has been spend more money and than the state is taking in and borrow from the future.Sounds like a lil city out east on the Potomac that is doing the same things eh?
Which means that the majority of the compromise proposals he speaks of doing and has done have been more of the same liberal spend and burn tactics that have failed in the past. If Gov Kennedy had not lost that spine of his when he gave up his Hummer and and put his foot down on spending, maybe people were not be fleeing California like the " BIG ONE" just hit.
This is a prime example of what happens when the politician has a R after his name but it should be a D. Hopefully other Republicans are looking and learning the lessons from Gov girly man!!!
They don't like the idea of their taxes going up anymore than they are currently. Who can blame them? The unemployment rate in the state is now hovering above 11% the current tax burden of the people of the left coast is higher than most other states and they are currently running a projected 21 billion dollar deficit.
Thank God they have Gov Arnie Terminator to ride in to save the day right?
From RTT news.........
In responding to the results, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had been a strong proponent of all six measures, said, "Tonight, we have heard from the voters, and I respect the will of the people who are frustrated with the dysfunction in our budget system."
"We face a staggering $21.3 billion deficit," he added, "and in order to prevent a fiscal disaster, Democrats and Republicans must collaborate and work together to address this shortfall. The longer we wait, the worse the problem becomes and the more limited our choices will be."
Sounds great. Only problem is Gov Meat Head here is one of the problems. His idea of compromise has been spend more money and than the state is taking in and borrow from the future.Sounds like a lil city out east on the Potomac that is doing the same things eh?
Which means that the majority of the compromise proposals he speaks of doing and has done have been more of the same liberal spend and burn tactics that have failed in the past. If Gov Kennedy had not lost that spine of his when he gave up his Hummer and and put his foot down on spending, maybe people were not be fleeing California like the " BIG ONE" just hit.
This is a prime example of what happens when the politician has a R after his name but it should be a D. Hopefully other Republicans are looking and learning the lessons from Gov girly man!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
It's offical were broke, or something close to that
Don't you believe it. Don't you believe it at all. The government has given a report that says Social Security and Medicare are going broke faster than expected.
So am I saying don't believe that they are going broke? No. I'm saying don't believe their report in terms of years, it will be sooner. From Washington AP...
The Federal government has constantly revised their numbers DOWNWARD for when it goes cash negative since the last major overhaul of the Social Security trust fund was done in 1983. This whole damn thing has been a ponzi scheme for years and those of us who are still in our 30's will NEVER receive the full benefits that we are owed from the system. If you don't believe me, read this oh so cheerful article from the people in the know over at the Heritage Foundation.
But than again maybe I'm just being negative, I'm sure we could just print more money like President Obama is doing now. I'm sure that will work ......right?!?!?!
Check out the rest of the A P report right here
So am I saying don't believe that they are going broke? No. I'm saying don't believe their report in terms of years, it will be sooner. From Washington AP...
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Social Security and Medicare are fading even faster under the weight of the recession, heading for insolvency years sooner than previously expected, the government warned Tuesday. Social Security will start paying out more in benefits than it collects in taxes in 2016, a year sooner than projected last year, and the giant trust fund will be depleted by 2037, four years sooner, trustees reported.
The Federal government has constantly revised their numbers DOWNWARD for when it goes cash negative since the last major overhaul of the Social Security trust fund was done in 1983. This whole damn thing has been a ponzi scheme for years and those of us who are still in our 30's will NEVER receive the full benefits that we are owed from the system. If you don't believe me, read this oh so cheerful article from the people in the know over at the Heritage Foundation.
But than again maybe I'm just being negative, I'm sure we could just print more money like President Obama is doing now. I'm sure that will work ......right?!?!?!
Check out the rest of the A P report right here
Friday, May 15, 2009
Fancy Nancy on lying,hating the CIA, George Bush and pissing off Hitler
So Nancy Pelosi goes out in front of the camera's and reporters yesterday and tells another version of what she knew and when she knew it. She upped the ante though when she accused the CIA of not only lying to her but in general lying to the congress as a whole.
OOPS. That was probably a mistake. I mean unless of course they actually have lied. If that were the case though I think the members of Congress who were lied to would have had the agency and those who had lied dragged through the public wringer of humiliation. Especially being that lying to a member of Congress is against the law and members have big enough ego's that they would not put up with being lied to.
Nancy has put herself into this position because she didn't want the heat from the loons on the left who think playing Ted Nugent songs at all hours in a terrorist cell in Club Gitmo is torture. She has tried to play both sides of the fence saying that she was ALWAYS against the Bush Admin policies of waterboarding when the record is coming out that she was not. Now she has accused said agency that is in charge of said technique of lying to her about when she was told and who told her. I can only imagine how she will try to spin this one on the Evil Bush Admin
She is in deep poo poo now. This is akin to telling the IRS that they suck on national TV. IF you do that how long before you think you get a audit? The CIA is mailing out more notes taken on this to reporters probably as we speak JUST in time for the Sun morning news programs.
Meanwhile Republicans are smelling blood and are trying to find a way not to blow this. Let's hope they get their act together and push this loon out of the top spot in the house.
To watch one Republican who so far has nailed Fancy Nancy ,here is Sen Kit Bond from MO. Skip ahead to the 6:45 minute mark for the money qoute that brings down the house
Also from the streets of Washington to the Bunkers of Berlin...Nancy Pelosi can get people MAD. Even dead dictators
OOPS. That was probably a mistake. I mean unless of course they actually have lied. If that were the case though I think the members of Congress who were lied to would have had the agency and those who had lied dragged through the public wringer of humiliation. Especially being that lying to a member of Congress is against the law and members have big enough ego's that they would not put up with being lied to.
Nancy has put herself into this position because she didn't want the heat from the loons on the left who think playing Ted Nugent songs at all hours in a terrorist cell in Club Gitmo is torture. She has tried to play both sides of the fence saying that she was ALWAYS against the Bush Admin policies of waterboarding when the record is coming out that she was not. Now she has accused said agency that is in charge of said technique of lying to her about when she was told and who told her. I can only imagine how she will try to spin this one on the Evil Bush Admin
She is in deep poo poo now. This is akin to telling the IRS that they suck on national TV. IF you do that how long before you think you get a audit? The CIA is mailing out more notes taken on this to reporters probably as we speak JUST in time for the Sun morning news programs.
Meanwhile Republicans are smelling blood and are trying to find a way not to blow this. Let's hope they get their act together and push this loon out of the top spot in the house.
To watch one Republican who so far has nailed Fancy Nancy ,here is Sen Kit Bond from MO. Skip ahead to the 6:45 minute mark for the money qoute that brings down the house
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Also from the streets of Washington to the Bunkers of Berlin...Nancy Pelosi can get people MAD. Even dead dictators
George Bush,
Hitler pissed in buffalo,
Kit Bond,
Nancy pelosi,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Meltdown ( or not??) with Keith Olberman
So I'm minding my own business today surfing through the "internets" when I come across a juicy lil gem of a story about my all time favorite journalist hack...Keith Olberman.
From City Life New York....
It seems our lil slugger was a lil perturbed that Bob Costas....errr Rachel Maddow booked a certain Guest that Olby wanted.
Ben Affleck.
When Keith threw his considerable weight around which is mostly his ego and DEMANDED that Matt Damon's best friend ( Ben Affleck) do his show instead of Rachel's and was denied he stormed out of MSNBC and pouted for 3 days.Thank the stars he's not really a journalist or he might have gone on a hunger strike.
All was right in my world, but alas the plot thickens. City life called MSNBC for a response to the story that they had. When they first went to post they had received no response from MSNBC. Than Olby got wind of the story and this is what the not so great one said....
WOW, all of a sudden I felt kinda bad. I'm sure through all that hate filled rhetoric that Keith spews everyday, he must have a heart and be mourning his Mom right? Hopefully?
One can never truly know what is in another's heart. If I'm betting though........I bet Rachel Maddow is the unnamed source for this story.
To make up your own mind read the whole story RIGHT HERE
From City Life New York....
If you regularly tune in to Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, you may remember that Olbermann was mysteriously absent from the show for three days at the end of April. But Olbermann didn't just "have the night off," as David Shuster, his fill-in, said on the air three evenings in a row. According to a source inside MSNBC, it was a bizarre temper tantrum on Olbermann's part that led him to storm off the set in protest. Even stranger: The drama was all Ben Affleck's fault.
It seems our lil slugger was a lil perturbed that Bob Costas....errr Rachel Maddow booked a certain Guest that Olby wanted.
Ben Affleck.
When Keith threw his considerable weight around which is mostly his ego and DEMANDED that Matt Damon's best friend ( Ben Affleck) do his show instead of Rachel's and was denied he stormed out of MSNBC and pouted for 3 days.Thank the stars he's not really a journalist or he might have gone on a hunger strike.
All was right in my world, but alas the plot thickens. City life called MSNBC for a response to the story that they had. When they first went to post they had received no response from MSNBC. Than Olby got wind of the story and this is what the not so great one said....
Olbermann has issued an official statement on the matter: "That was my first opportunity to take even a long weekend to mourn my mother's death and deal with the many sad logistics subsequent to her sudden passing. The source of this story is a liar and those who spread it without seeking confirmation or reputation are beneath contempt."
WOW, all of a sudden I felt kinda bad. I'm sure through all that hate filled rhetoric that Keith spews everyday, he must have a heart and be mourning his Mom right? Hopefully?
One can never truly know what is in another's heart. If I'm betting though........I bet Rachel Maddow is the unnamed source for this story.
To make up your own mind read the whole story RIGHT HERE
Ben Affleck,
Keith Olberman,
MSNBC sucks,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
GPS was not made for this was it?
From the George Orwell, 1984 is really here file.
The Chicago Tribune had this little gem last week......
Attaching GPS devices without a search warrant. What country do I live in again? This is such a abuse of power I can't even find the damn words for it.
Hopefully some tech wiz will find a way to make a device to block the signal and send the cops off chasing their own tails. I'm not for breaking the law mind you but doing this without a search warrant is such a gross abuse of power I'm surprised the press hasn't blasted this all over.
Ok I'm not surprised!!!
To read the rest of this story click right here
The Chicago Tribune had this little gem last week......
MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin police can attach GPS to cars to secretly track anybody's movements without obtaining search warrants, an appeals court ruled Thursday.
However, the District 4 Court of Appeals said it was "more than a little troubled" by that conclusion and asked Wisconsin lawmakers to regulate GPS use to protect against abuse by police and private individuals.
As the law currently stands, the court said police can mount GPS on cars to track people without violating their constitutional rights -- even if the drivers aren't suspects.
Attaching GPS devices without a search warrant. What country do I live in again? This is such a abuse of power I can't even find the damn words for it.
Hopefully some tech wiz will find a way to make a device to block the signal and send the cops off chasing their own tails. I'm not for breaking the law mind you but doing this without a search warrant is such a gross abuse of power I'm surprised the press hasn't blasted this all over.
Ok I'm not surprised!!!
To read the rest of this story click right here
California dreaming of bankruptcy and Michigan may follow
The warning has been sounded.
The state of California is going broke and if we in Michigan don't do something quick we are going to be right behind it. The article I have linked to below from the Blog Prof via our friends over at http://www.rightmichigan.com/ is a very interesting article about the looming crisis in California of running about 23 billion short in their budget and what they will do to scare the public.
Click to read The Blog Prof right here.
Now a lot of what the politicians in Cali will propose I'm sure the Michigan pols will try to do and scare the public.
I find it not a coincidence that California has the highest paid state legislature and Michigan is the second highest in the nation. Both states are in huge fiscal trouble.
Some might say that Michigan is easy to figure out because of the trouble in the automotive industry. Or the weather is nicer in 20 other states. Why is California in trouble than? California has a highly educated work force, beautiful weather in most of the state and has always been a destination state to live and visit.
The answer is because both state legislatures and Governors are tax and spend junkies. Which goes to show that a Republican and Democrat Governor can fail equally as bad. Bad policies can transcend either party and destroy the business climate and quality of life for it's citizens.
Hopefully we in Michigan learn from our fellow state out to the west and correct the mistakes we have made and not follow California into the abyss.
The state of California is going broke and if we in Michigan don't do something quick we are going to be right behind it. The article I have linked to below from the Blog Prof via our friends over at http://www.rightmichigan.com/ is a very interesting article about the looming crisis in California of running about 23 billion short in their budget and what they will do to scare the public.
Click to read The Blog Prof right here.
Now a lot of what the politicians in Cali will propose I'm sure the Michigan pols will try to do and scare the public.
I find it not a coincidence that California has the highest paid state legislature and Michigan is the second highest in the nation. Both states are in huge fiscal trouble.
Some might say that Michigan is easy to figure out because of the trouble in the automotive industry. Or the weather is nicer in 20 other states. Why is California in trouble than? California has a highly educated work force, beautiful weather in most of the state and has always been a destination state to live and visit.
The answer is because both state legislatures and Governors are tax and spend junkies. Which goes to show that a Republican and Democrat Governor can fail equally as bad. Bad policies can transcend either party and destroy the business climate and quality of life for it's citizens.
Hopefully we in Michigan learn from our fellow state out to the west and correct the mistakes we have made and not follow California into the abyss.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Zo is in the know
Another great lil diddy from Zo about what is going on in California and how inept Gov Schwarzenegger is.
Gov Schwarzenegger,
oil drilling,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Code Pink...Every day putting the ASS in CLASS
From one of my new fav blogs http://thisainthell.us/blog/ a lil story about the Code Pink haggies getting all riled up on Mommies day. I really hope to go to one of these code pink rallies one day dressed up as a degenerate and start yelling some dumb ass slogan that they won't be able to figure out for year's.
That's just how I roll
Read all the adventures of Code Stink errrr Pink right here
That's just how I roll
Read all the adventures of Code Stink errrr Pink right here
Image over substance...President Barack Obama
This article from Friday's Wall St Journal shows why The President of the United States should be more interested in results than image. This administration is concerned how they are perceived in the world and not if people who are truly evil are kept behind bars. The war on terror cannot be fought in a U.S. courtroom, it can only be waged on the enemy's soil. Military tribunals NOT the U.S. court system are the way to handle these thugs.
Hopefully the President will realize this before another attack on American interests by one of these terrorists takes place.
Read the amazing article right here
Hopefully the President will realize this before another attack on American interests by one of these terrorists takes place.
Read the amazing article right here
Guantamano bay,
President Obama,
U.S.S Cole
Detroit has a new Mayor
Kinda hope this is the change we were promised by some politicians in the last election.
Dave Bing won the special election last Tues to fill out the remainder of everyone's favorite hip hop mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Today he will be sworn in as Detroit's new Mayor. He won't have much time to settle in though being the next election is in November but I hope this is a new start for my hometown.
To read more about this from the AUTHORITY on Detroit Politics please check out Akindele Akinyemi blog right here
Dave Bing won the special election last Tues to fill out the remainder of everyone's favorite hip hop mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Today he will be sworn in as Detroit's new Mayor. He won't have much time to settle in though being the next election is in November but I hope this is a new start for my hometown.
To read more about this from the AUTHORITY on Detroit Politics please check out Akindele Akinyemi blog right here
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Arlen Specter for the Cure...or maybe not
It's official, Arlen Specter is a total Jackass. Most people in the Republican party knew this but now the Dem's get a up close look at this ass.
From Politico......
The only reason he bailed the Republican party was to save his ass in the senate race next year. Great principal Senator.
He accused the Rep party in a backhanded way of being responsible for Jack Kemp's death. Nice form Arlen.
And now setting up your re-election site to mislead people to think it's a cancer fundraising site. You are the creme ala creme of slimy politicians Mr Specter.
I hope Pennsylvania in 2010 sees you for what you truly are.
Read the whole story right HERE
From Politico......
Sen. Arlen Specter’s campaign team has changed the layout of its specterforthecure.com Web site to make it clear that the site is aimed at promoting Specter’s reelection to the Senate.
The move follows criticism that the site – and Specter’s description of it on “Meet the Press” and “Face the Nation” last week – could leave visitors confused into thinking it was raising money to promote medical research.
As POLITICO reported earlier this week, visitors to the earlier version of the site were greeted with a banner promising “A Giant Leap in Turning Cancer into Cures.” While the homepage of most campaign websites feature a photo of the candidate, this one offered a picture of a woman with red tape over her mouth. The caption: “Red tape leaves medical research gasping for breath. It’s time we let loose the winds of a cure.”
The only reason he bailed the Republican party was to save his ass in the senate race next year. Great principal Senator.
He accused the Rep party in a backhanded way of being responsible for Jack Kemp's death. Nice form Arlen.
And now setting up your re-election site to mislead people to think it's a cancer fundraising site. You are the creme ala creme of slimy politicians Mr Specter.
I hope Pennsylvania in 2010 sees you for what you truly are.
Read the whole story right HERE
Is anyone noticing a pattern here?
Nancy is just all discombobulated about what she knew and when she alleges she didn't know it. I don't know if anyone else is noticing a pattern here.
Air Force Jets..... " We never made any special requests"
OOOOPS you lied about that didn't ya
Than Nancy the Theologian, lied about Catholic doctrine on when the debate " Ended " on when human life begins.
Ahhhh just minor things you say?
Well now she is graduating up to the really big leagues on lying.This time about when she knew the CIA was gonna waterboard those fuzzy terrorist members that Nancy and her ilk love so well.
But finally someone from my home state is getting something right. Rep Pete Hoekstra is calling for all the memos to be released on who in Congress was told what and when.
From the Hill via Sister Toldjah's blog site ......
So what is the big deal you say? The woman is a pathological liar. One who would sell out the interests of this country to gain a lil political advantage. You can have a honest debate about interrogation methods all day long, but to LIE and say she was never told about this by America's intelligence organizations to save face with the NUTBAGS on the left is despicable.
And while I won't be as warm and fuzzy as Wanda Sykes was at last night's Press correspondence dinner talking about someone she doesn't like and hope your kidney's fail and you die Ms Pelosi, I will say this.
I hope your face falls off after those botox injections wear off. I know you have a spare one laying around being you are a two faced back stabbing politician of the worst kind.
You can read Sister Toljah's blog on this very subject Right here
Air Force Jets..... " We never made any special requests"
OOOOPS you lied about that didn't ya
Than Nancy the Theologian, lied about Catholic doctrine on when the debate " Ended " on when human life begins.
Ahhhh just minor things you say?
Well now she is graduating up to the really big leagues on lying.This time about when she knew the CIA was gonna waterboard those fuzzy terrorist members that Nancy and her ilk love so well.
But finally someone from my home state is getting something right. Rep Pete Hoekstra is calling for all the memos to be released on who in Congress was told what and when.
From the Hill via Sister Toldjah's blog site ......
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (Mich.), the top Republican on House Intelligence, in an interview Friday said the document proves that Pelosi knew waterboarding occurred but has denied is because of political pressure from the liberal base of her party.
“Clearly her left wing is outraged that waterboarding was used,” Hoekstra said. “The bottom line is she and her key staff, they all knew about it.”
So what is the big deal you say? The woman is a pathological liar. One who would sell out the interests of this country to gain a lil political advantage. You can have a honest debate about interrogation methods all day long, but to LIE and say she was never told about this by America's intelligence organizations to save face with the NUTBAGS on the left is despicable.
And while I won't be as warm and fuzzy as Wanda Sykes was at last night's Press correspondence dinner talking about someone she doesn't like and hope your kidney's fail and you die Ms Pelosi, I will say this.
I hope your face falls off after those botox injections wear off. I know you have a spare one laying around being you are a two faced back stabbing politician of the worst kind.
You can read Sister Toljah's blog on this very subject Right here
Nancy pelosi,
Pete Hoekstra,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Another fine example of a American Solider
I don't care how many times you watch this, if you don't get a lump in your throat you aren't a human with a soul.
That's not OPINION either that's just a damn FACT.
Another example of the courageous spirit that each and every one of the men and women who wear our country's uniform have. The next time you see one of these heroes make sure to thank them, it only takes a minute and it's the least you can do.
From one of my new favorite blogs " This ain't Hell"
Click here to watch and read about another incredible American Solider
That's not OPINION either that's just a damn FACT.
Another example of the courageous spirit that each and every one of the men and women who wear our country's uniform have. The next time you see one of these heroes make sure to thank them, it only takes a minute and it's the least you can do.
From one of my new favorite blogs " This ain't Hell"
Click here to watch and read about another incredible American Solider
Friday, May 8, 2009
Lies are hard to keep straight, Just ask Nancy Pelosi
Someone SHOULD be in trouble for this.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has recently denied that she knew of the water boarding or any other EIT ( enhanced interrogation techniques) done to the those fuzzy Islamic terrorists currently vacationing down at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba.
Uh Oh. That might not be entirely true.
In fact according to former house member and CIA chief Porter Goss it is a flat out lie. From Mr Goss's letter to theWashington Post last Sat.....
OOOOOPS, sounds like someone should have some splanin to do.
Of course Speaker of the world Nancy Pelosi knew about this and wholeheartedly approved. She never dreamed of the day where she would be in the position she is and have to backpedal on being rough to terrorists or nice to them.
I'm not shocked though. This is the same woman who famously said in late 2008 on Meet The Press that the Catholic Church had only RECENTLY made a firm decision on abortion.I'm sure Pope Benedict XVI did not bring that up at their meeting earlier this year because the Speaker is so much more knowledgeable on church doctrine than he.
I truly hope that some in the media start to put the screws to this louse and start to speed her exit from the national scene. The nation needs more HONEST leadership right now.
To read more on this check outPink Elephant Pundit take. She REALLY loves the Speaker.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has recently denied that she knew of the water boarding or any other EIT ( enhanced interrogation techniques) done to the those fuzzy Islamic terrorists currently vacationing down at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba.
Uh Oh. That might not be entirely true.
In fact according to former house member and CIA chief Porter Goss it is a flat out lie. From Mr Goss's letter to theWashington Post last Sat.....
Today, I am slack-jawed to read that members claim to have not understood that the techniques on which they were briefed were to actually be employed; or that specific techniques such as "waterboarding" were never mentioned. It must be hard for most Americans of common sense to imagine how a member of Congress can forget being told about the interrogations of Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. In that case, though, perhaps it is not amnesia but political expedience.
OOOOOPS, sounds like someone should have some splanin to do.
Of course Speaker of the world Nancy Pelosi knew about this and wholeheartedly approved. She never dreamed of the day where she would be in the position she is and have to backpedal on being rough to terrorists or nice to them.
I'm not shocked though. This is the same woman who famously said in late 2008 on Meet The Press that the Catholic Church had only RECENTLY made a firm decision on abortion.I'm sure Pope Benedict XVI did not bring that up at their meeting earlier this year because the Speaker is so much more knowledgeable on church doctrine than he.
I truly hope that some in the media start to put the screws to this louse and start to speed her exit from the national scene. The nation needs more HONEST leadership right now.
To read more on this check outPink Elephant Pundit take. She REALLY loves the Speaker.
Nancy pelosi,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Porter Goss,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Need to raise money in the state that leads in Unemployment..RAISE TAXES
Oh boy.
Just when you thought maybe Gov Granholm had maybe studied her economic theory book a little and MAYBE had learned a lesson about tax increases a warning comes from Michigan State Senator Michelle McManus via our friends over at rightmichigan.com.
I read her warning three times to let it sink in. I personally think their is no way that this Governor could possible propose ANY TAX INCREASE of any kind. I also thought that she would be a mildly bad Governor. She proved me wrong there by being a terrible Governor beyond my wildest dreams.If Senator McManus is hearing some chatter in Lansing about a tax increase I'm glad she is sounding the alarm so that we can BE READY.
If one penny more is proposed to be raised on the backs of the citizens and the business left in this state in tax increases, I would hope all of us that still care about Michigan would turn out in greater numbers than we did at the TEA party and let our elected representatives know that it is not ACCEPTABLE.
I'm going to go bang my head into a wall now!!!
To read all of the Senator's warning click Right Here
Just when you thought maybe Gov Granholm had maybe studied her economic theory book a little and MAYBE had learned a lesson about tax increases a warning comes from Michigan State Senator Michelle McManus via our friends over at rightmichigan.com.
In the coming weeks and months, you will hear our governor yet again make dire statements about Michigan's financial woes and how state government is slipping further and further into the red. She is even talking about tinkering with the income tax. Anyone else think that sounds like Democrat-speak for raising taxes? Be ready.
I read her warning three times to let it sink in. I personally think their is no way that this Governor could possible propose ANY TAX INCREASE of any kind. I also thought that she would be a mildly bad Governor. She proved me wrong there by being a terrible Governor beyond my wildest dreams.If Senator McManus is hearing some chatter in Lansing about a tax increase I'm glad she is sounding the alarm so that we can BE READY.
If one penny more is proposed to be raised on the backs of the citizens and the business left in this state in tax increases, I would hope all of us that still care about Michigan would turn out in greater numbers than we did at the TEA party and let our elected representatives know that it is not ACCEPTABLE.
I'm going to go bang my head into a wall now!!!
To read all of the Senator's warning click Right Here
Happy Birhtday Dad
In a small lil village called Detroit on May 6, 1937 my Dad, Edward George LaDuke was born. Today he would have been 72 yrs of age. On Feb 19 1995 he passed away from a massive heart attack and my life changed forever.
I used to get real shitty about the Feb 19 th day every year. I guess you can't help it at first, but a couple of years ago I started to focus more on his birthday and less on the day the Lord called him home. I had waddled for too long in the despair of what if's and why's that I will never be able to answer.Plus it's not the way he would have wanted to be remembered. Not to dwell on the way he died but what he gave us for when he lived.
I usually would have kept all this bottled up but the one thing I have learned as I have grown older is that if you keep everything bottled up, you soon will explode.
I don't think of my Dad every single minute of every day but inevitably 7 ,10, 30 times through out the day something will pop up and it will link me back to him just for a second. Even on my most shit filled day at least for a moment I will grin & relax. I kinda like to think it's his way of saying " Hey , it could be a lot worse".
My Dad was the one who introduced me to the world of politics. I would sit and watch the evening news with him and listen to the political discussions with my Mom in the living room as a child. Because of my Dad's strong views as a baby I was dubbed the Republican. But as I grew up and listened to him he always stressed that you " vote for the person not the party."
He was so right.
When I joined the Republican party in 1990 he told me to prepare to be disappointed and not to waiver from what I believed. When President Bush 41 broke his no new taxes pledge and I was told by members in the Rep party to be a good party member and not criticize I told them I was a good American first and left the organization before the 1992 election. I never told my Dad that but I hope he would have been happy I took his advice.
I still salute the flag every once in a while just like he taught me when I was 3.
I'm still in absolute AWE of the men and women who serve this country every day in the armed forces just as he served. On many more occasions than I can count, he made sure I understood that these people serve this country to allow us to do what we choose to do every single day, and the least we can do is thank them whenever we see them.
I'm still a Lions fan even though he told me it would never change in his lifetime or mine that they suck. I still remember the times sitting on the couch and watching those football games with him and both of us shaking our heads.
My Dad was born in Detroit and lived there until he and my Mom were married in the late 60's. He didn't agree with what was happening in the city but he loved that city. I can recall a time he called a talk show about the debate at the time of whether Joe Louis Arena should be named after the great boxer or someone else. Dad launched into a story about what Louis meant not only to the black community in a segregated country at the time but what he meant to the whole USA at the time he beat the German champ Max Schmelling before WWII broke out. " He was not only a great person who was black but a GREAT American" I have never forgotten that.
In 1999 the Tigers moved from Tiger stadium to their new home in Comerica park. I never was able to see a game with Dad at the ole ballpark, but he used to tell stories about going their as a kid and with his 3 older brothers at different times in his life.
I went to at least 20 to 25 games that final season just walking around imagining the old stories coming to life in my mind in the place that they had happened so long ago. At the final game there, I walked around for almost a hour and a half after the festivities not wanting to let go of a place he had loved so much. When they finally kicked me out, I felt as though he was taken away again from me in some sort of weird way.
He wasn't though. Since my Dad has physically passed he has been in my heart and mind and he has never left.
I know I can't physically talk to him about the last historic election or the Tigers getting to the series again in 2006. We can't laugh about how bad the Lions sucked last year or watch him tease his two granddaughters like he would have loved to do.
But he is here, and it took me a while to realize that. I am blessed to have had him as a Father and I'm even more blessed that I have my Mom still, my sister and brother, extended family and friends and my nieces who I try to tease in the place of my Dad.
So I ask anyone who reads this take a moment each day and appreciate those that YOU have that are still here with you and keep making those memories that will last a lifetime. Share a laugh, a beer or just a hello. Always let them know that they are important to you.
You never do know when the Lord will call you home!!!
I used to get real shitty about the Feb 19 th day every year. I guess you can't help it at first, but a couple of years ago I started to focus more on his birthday and less on the day the Lord called him home. I had waddled for too long in the despair of what if's and why's that I will never be able to answer.Plus it's not the way he would have wanted to be remembered. Not to dwell on the way he died but what he gave us for when he lived.
I usually would have kept all this bottled up but the one thing I have learned as I have grown older is that if you keep everything bottled up, you soon will explode.
I don't think of my Dad every single minute of every day but inevitably 7 ,10, 30 times through out the day something will pop up and it will link me back to him just for a second. Even on my most shit filled day at least for a moment I will grin & relax. I kinda like to think it's his way of saying " Hey , it could be a lot worse".
My Dad was the one who introduced me to the world of politics. I would sit and watch the evening news with him and listen to the political discussions with my Mom in the living room as a child. Because of my Dad's strong views as a baby I was dubbed the Republican. But as I grew up and listened to him he always stressed that you " vote for the person not the party."
He was so right.
When I joined the Republican party in 1990 he told me to prepare to be disappointed and not to waiver from what I believed. When President Bush 41 broke his no new taxes pledge and I was told by members in the Rep party to be a good party member and not criticize I told them I was a good American first and left the organization before the 1992 election. I never told my Dad that but I hope he would have been happy I took his advice.
I still salute the flag every once in a while just like he taught me when I was 3.
I'm still in absolute AWE of the men and women who serve this country every day in the armed forces just as he served. On many more occasions than I can count, he made sure I understood that these people serve this country to allow us to do what we choose to do every single day, and the least we can do is thank them whenever we see them.
I'm still a Lions fan even though he told me it would never change in his lifetime or mine that they suck. I still remember the times sitting on the couch and watching those football games with him and both of us shaking our heads.
My Dad was born in Detroit and lived there until he and my Mom were married in the late 60's. He didn't agree with what was happening in the city but he loved that city. I can recall a time he called a talk show about the debate at the time of whether Joe Louis Arena should be named after the great boxer or someone else. Dad launched into a story about what Louis meant not only to the black community in a segregated country at the time but what he meant to the whole USA at the time he beat the German champ Max Schmelling before WWII broke out. " He was not only a great person who was black but a GREAT American" I have never forgotten that.
In 1999 the Tigers moved from Tiger stadium to their new home in Comerica park. I never was able to see a game with Dad at the ole ballpark, but he used to tell stories about going their as a kid and with his 3 older brothers at different times in his life.
I went to at least 20 to 25 games that final season just walking around imagining the old stories coming to life in my mind in the place that they had happened so long ago. At the final game there, I walked around for almost a hour and a half after the festivities not wanting to let go of a place he had loved so much. When they finally kicked me out, I felt as though he was taken away again from me in some sort of weird way.
He wasn't though. Since my Dad has physically passed he has been in my heart and mind and he has never left.
I know I can't physically talk to him about the last historic election or the Tigers getting to the series again in 2006. We can't laugh about how bad the Lions sucked last year or watch him tease his two granddaughters like he would have loved to do.
But he is here, and it took me a while to realize that. I am blessed to have had him as a Father and I'm even more blessed that I have my Mom still, my sister and brother, extended family and friends and my nieces who I try to tease in the place of my Dad.
So I ask anyone who reads this take a moment each day and appreciate those that YOU have that are still here with you and keep making those memories that will last a lifetime. Share a laugh, a beer or just a hello. Always let them know that they are important to you.
You never do know when the Lord will call you home!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Duke over America's " CAPTION THIS"

( President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are served their burgers as they make an unannounced visit to Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Va., to have lunch, Tuesday, May 5, 2009. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
The President and Crazy Joe went off for a bite to eat today at a local restaurant and " surprised" the local patrons when they dropped in for a bite to eat.
This was " BREAKING NEWS" on MSNBC, I KID YOU NOT. Andrea Mitchell broke the news to the 15 people watching that the President was informed they were out of fries so he had to have potato puffs.
I'm sure they will be closed next week for this injustice.
I think the picture is priceless so if anyone has a caption please send it along. Being I'm hiding all my wealth from the Obama currency detectors I can't offer a monetary prize but I will publish the best ones in a future blog!!!!
Get to it
H/T...Sister Toldjah
President Hope and Change dumps on the Tea Parties
I know I'm getting to this one lil story a lil late but that is what one week in VEGAS will do to ya.
Last week the President of the United States made his most direct comment about those Tea party protests that sprung up a couple of weeks ago that he knew nothing about in advance.........
First off, if he is referring to FOX news they love you Mr President as I'm sure is borne out by the ratings lead they have over CNN and MSNBC.
Second, stop acting as though a plan you implemented is going to create anything but stagflation and devaluation of the U.S. dollar. If this is not so please cite one example of massive SPENDING and BORROWING and PRINTING of money on a never seen before scale has worked.
I'll wait right here........................................................
Thought so.
As for Social Security , the last shot we had at saving that was in 2005 when Pres Bush attempted something but his own party ran under the covers and hid. Just kiss SS goodbye people. The numbers will never line up, no matter how many times you erase them and try again with your etch-a-sketch calculator.
Just please keep the country safe in the meantime Mr President. Hopefully we can start to elect some adults with vision and guts and not so much style with no substance beginning in 2010!!!
Read the rest of the story from POLTICO righthere
Last week the President of the United States made his most direct comment about those Tea party protests that sprung up a couple of weeks ago that he knew nothing about in advance.........
Those of you who are watching certain news channels on which I'm not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around, Obama said, “let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we are going to stabilize Social Security.”
First off, if he is referring to FOX news they love you Mr President as I'm sure is borne out by the ratings lead they have over CNN and MSNBC.
Second, stop acting as though a plan you implemented is going to create anything but stagflation and devaluation of the U.S. dollar. If this is not so please cite one example of massive SPENDING and BORROWING and PRINTING of money on a never seen before scale has worked.
I'll wait right here........................................................
Thought so.
As for Social Security , the last shot we had at saving that was in 2005 when Pres Bush attempted something but his own party ran under the covers and hid. Just kiss SS goodbye people. The numbers will never line up, no matter how many times you erase them and try again with your etch-a-sketch calculator.
Just please keep the country safe in the meantime Mr President. Hopefully we can start to elect some adults with vision and guts and not so much style with no substance beginning in 2010!!!
Read the rest of the story from POLTICO righthere
Presidient Obama,
stimulus pkg,
Tea Parties
This other Mccain just kicked a lil ASS
I'm still a young pup at this here blogging thing. I have only been writing on this site for about 8 months or so. I try to read as many things on both the left and right and some down the center as I can.
One of the people I have read for the past couple of months is Robert Stacy Mccain. He is able to blend information into a style of writing that is not to taxing to read ( I.E. FRICKING BORING).
His latest post is a brilliant read that touches on 7 or 8 different topics and makes you feels as if you were just on a roller coaster of knowledge. His post is a lil like a Dennis Miller rant but on some really strong anabolic steroids. I highly suggest you give it a look.
I hope to write like him when I grow up or sober up whichever comes first!!!!
One of the people I have read for the past couple of months is Robert Stacy Mccain. He is able to blend information into a style of writing that is not to taxing to read ( I.E. FRICKING BORING).
His latest post is a brilliant read that touches on 7 or 8 different topics and makes you feels as if you were just on a roller coaster of knowledge. His post is a lil like a Dennis Miller rant but on some really strong anabolic steroids. I highly suggest you give it a look.
I hope to write like him when I grow up or sober up whichever comes first!!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Unemployment in Michigan is a new industry!!!!!
Here at Duke over America we mostly like to talk about the national and world issues that are taking a hold of the current day's events. Occasionally though we love to turn home and comment on the lunacy that is Detroit City council and Monica Conyers or the abject failure that Governor Jennifer Granholm has been.
Today we focus on Governor Granholm. From the Detroit News on Thurs April 30,2009....
WOW, the Governor is blowing us away at a clip that she could not even have imagined. Whenever you double your projected budget deficit in just a couple of weeks you are really working on making history. Not in a good way either.
Governor Granholm's administration has never really been much on substance but more on style. She has now run up against the harsh reality of that lack of substance, the budget MUST BE CUT. The stimulus money will be used I'm sure, but if the legislatures in Lansing want to make this right they should CUT at least 75% of the projected deficit out of the current budget instead of using the stimulus for a one time fix. Granholm has done this before and it has done nothing to prepare this state for the inevitable which we now face. The one time fixes of the Gimmick Governor have to end and the realities of the new Michigan must begin TODAY.
While you kids are at it in Lansing why not try something that the Governor has toyed with that has brought interest to the state. TAX CUTS across the board for individuals and companies instead of targeting them just for the film or some other pet project industry.
If you do that and the Gimmick Governor were to sign such a bill, at least she could leave Michigan next year on the path to recovery, instead of the complete ruin she seems hell bent on achieving.
And while the State BURNS... Lt Governor John Cherry prepares to run for the seat his boss has so aptly destroyed.
From our Friends at http://www.rightmichigan.com/ a lil video showing how serious our FRIENDS on the D side of the aisle take this problem.
Hope they didn't water down the punch folks!!!!
Read the rest of the ohhhh so happy Granholm record right here
Today we focus on Governor Granholm. From the Detroit News on Thurs April 30,2009....
The hole in Michigan's recession-battered budget has nearly doubled to $1.32 billion.
State officials said the deficit -- estimated at $785 million a couple weeks ago -- has increased by half; likely meaning that more federal stimulus money will be needed to balance the books or deeper cuts will have to be made than anticipated only days ago.
WOW, the Governor is blowing us away at a clip that she could not even have imagined. Whenever you double your projected budget deficit in just a couple of weeks you are really working on making history. Not in a good way either.
Governor Granholm's administration has never really been much on substance but more on style. She has now run up against the harsh reality of that lack of substance, the budget MUST BE CUT. The stimulus money will be used I'm sure, but if the legislatures in Lansing want to make this right they should CUT at least 75% of the projected deficit out of the current budget instead of using the stimulus for a one time fix. Granholm has done this before and it has done nothing to prepare this state for the inevitable which we now face. The one time fixes of the Gimmick Governor have to end and the realities of the new Michigan must begin TODAY.
While you kids are at it in Lansing why not try something that the Governor has toyed with that has brought interest to the state. TAX CUTS across the board for individuals and companies instead of targeting them just for the film or some other pet project industry.
If you do that and the Gimmick Governor were to sign such a bill, at least she could leave Michigan next year on the path to recovery, instead of the complete ruin she seems hell bent on achieving.
And while the State BURNS... Lt Governor John Cherry prepares to run for the seat his boss has so aptly destroyed.
From our Friends at http://www.rightmichigan.com/ a lil video showing how serious our FRIENDS on the D side of the aisle take this problem.
Hope they didn't water down the punch folks!!!!
Read the rest of the ohhhh so happy Granholm record right here
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Time to leave Reagan behind so say a BUSH and a SPECTER
Let's file these two stories under the " Ahhhh this is why I left the Republican party category"
First off we have former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida saying it's time to leave the Reagan era behind. Jeb had this to say.......
I wonder if what the other side had was the name George W Bush to run against for all ills imagined and real.
He followed up with this....
I hope on this listening tour they really do listen. With all due respect to the former Governor the reason why the Republicans got clobbered with Hope and Change was because another guy named Bush was the sitting President and was perceived to FUBAR everything up for the past 8 years.
Candidate Bush RAN on the Reagan mantra of tax cuts and LOWER spending. President Bush on the other hand did lower taxes but increased spending way beyond the increases of tax revenues and thus caused some pretty healthy deficits. He spent like a democrat and the people decided why not just elect a democrat.
I really don't get what the hell these party leaders are looking at. John Mccain was a MODERATE Republican on most issues. He was WIPED off the face of the electoral map. When one of these Guys can win a 1984 LANDSLIDE type election like Reagan did I will put stock in forgetting the principals that Reagan stood for, until than stop with this forget Reagan talk.
To read the rest of the wisdom of the party elders clickhere
Sen Arlen Specter pops on on the weakest of the Sunday talk shows now to blow these bubbles of wisdom at David Gregory on the state of the Republican party.....
President Reagan had a " BIG TENT"? My Lord, from what I remember of what the democrats and libs like Specter used to say about Reagan he was the cause of every damn ill the world had ever known. AIDS, CANCER, HOMELESSNESS, that big mark on Mikael Gorbachev head.
This of course is just a smoke screen, he was gonna get his ASS handed to him in the GOP primary and his self worth only is validated if he is a Senator.He had to switch parties for a shot at retaining the only thing that matters to him. How pathetic!!!! If he was anywhere near as honorable as he says he is why not resign the seat ala Phil Graham from Texas in 1983 and run again as a democrat?
Because this man has not a shred of decency left in him. I really hope the people of Pennsylvania throw this spineless fool out on his ear and that he may spend the rest of his days pondering all the havoc he has brought upon this country he so claims to love.
To read the rest of this patty cake love fest on Meet The Press today clickright here
First off we have former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida saying it's time to leave the Reagan era behind. Jeb had this to say.......
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Saturday that it's time for the Republican Party to give up its "nostalgia" for the heyday of the Reagan era and look forward, even if it means stealing the winning strategy deployed by Democrats in the 2008 election.
"You can't beat something with nothing, and the other side has something. I don't like it, but they have it, and we have to be respectful and mindful of that," Mr. Bush said.
I wonder if what the other side had was the name George W Bush to run against for all ills imagined and real.
He followed up with this....
"From the conservative side, it's time for us to listen first, to learn a little bit, to upgrade our message a little bit, to not be nostalgic about the past because, you know, things do ebb and flow."
I hope on this listening tour they really do listen. With all due respect to the former Governor the reason why the Republicans got clobbered with Hope and Change was because another guy named Bush was the sitting President and was perceived to FUBAR everything up for the past 8 years.
Candidate Bush RAN on the Reagan mantra of tax cuts and LOWER spending. President Bush on the other hand did lower taxes but increased spending way beyond the increases of tax revenues and thus caused some pretty healthy deficits. He spent like a democrat and the people decided why not just elect a democrat.
I really don't get what the hell these party leaders are looking at. John Mccain was a MODERATE Republican on most issues. He was WIPED off the face of the electoral map. When one of these Guys can win a 1984 LANDSLIDE type election like Reagan did I will put stock in forgetting the principals that Reagan stood for, until than stop with this forget Reagan talk.
To read the rest of the wisdom of the party elders clickhere
Sen Arlen Specter pops on on the weakest of the Sunday talk shows now to blow these bubbles of wisdom at David Gregory on the state of the Republican party.....
“There’s more than being reelected here. There’s the factor of principle. The Republican Party has gone far to the right since I joined it under Reagan’s big tent. … In recent times, I have diverged materially from the Republican line … As the picture has evolved, I felt a lot more comfortable — as a matter of principle — with Democrats than Republicans.”
President Reagan had a " BIG TENT"? My Lord, from what I remember of what the democrats and libs like Specter used to say about Reagan he was the cause of every damn ill the world had ever known. AIDS, CANCER, HOMELESSNESS, that big mark on Mikael Gorbachev head.
This of course is just a smoke screen, he was gonna get his ASS handed to him in the GOP primary and his self worth only is validated if he is a Senator.He had to switch parties for a shot at retaining the only thing that matters to him. How pathetic!!!! If he was anywhere near as honorable as he says he is why not resign the seat ala Phil Graham from Texas in 1983 and run again as a democrat?
Because this man has not a shred of decency left in him. I really hope the people of Pennsylvania throw this spineless fool out on his ear and that he may spend the rest of his days pondering all the havoc he has brought upon this country he so claims to love.
To read the rest of this patty cake love fest on Meet The Press today clickright here
Arlene Specter,
Jeb Bush,
John Mccain,
Ronald Reagan
I'm Back and ready to ROCK N ROLL or kick a lil statist ASS
Howdy Ho,
I'm finally back from my trip across this great country to the hinder lands of Las Vegas. I will be writing a ton in the future weeks about some of the things and people I encountered while I traveled this land to which I love even more now!!
I want to give a BIG thanks to one Ms Melanie Hall for her contributions to this lil blog while I was away. I hope she will find some time in her busy schedule to post some more insightful posts in the future.
With everything going on in the country and the world we have a lot of work to do, let's get ready to kick a lil ASS!!!!
I'm finally back from my trip across this great country to the hinder lands of Las Vegas. I will be writing a ton in the future weeks about some of the things and people I encountered while I traveled this land to which I love even more now!!
I want to give a BIG thanks to one Ms Melanie Hall for her contributions to this lil blog while I was away. I hope she will find some time in her busy schedule to post some more insightful posts in the future.
With everything going on in the country and the world we have a lot of work to do, let's get ready to kick a lil ASS!!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Guess I'm a teabagger...
Thanks to the mainstream media, and their ridiculous uproar over, and mocking of, the recent tea parties, we've got a new meaning for an old phrase. "Tea bagging" is a term for a dirty sexual act. I won't define it here, if you really need to know what it is, use google. Now however, tea bagging also apparently means someone who believes in the constitution. It refers to someone who believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Tea baggers, or people who have attended the tea parties, are people who feel government is too big, is spending too much money and has far overstepped it's bounds. We're people who care too damn much about this country to sit back and watch it fall to pieces. As citizens, we have the first amendment right to free speech and peaceable assembly, and we chose and will continue to choose, to exercise those rights, as well as the rest guaranteed to us by the constitution.
I realize that the concept of peaceable assembly, where large groups of people come together to make their views known, seems like a foreign concept. For far too long, the silent majority has sat back and watched as extremists and talking heads have encouraged the spewing of hate and fear mongering. Finally, we have reached the threshold of what we can and will tolerate. Tea parties across the country, most organized by small groups of citizens looking to make a difference, were seemingly more than some could comprehend. There was no violence, just citizens united, each wanting to make their voices heard. In that regard, it was a success. The very fact that certain tasteless, tactless people have felt the need to attach what they view as a rude and obscene gesture to the movement tells me it had an impact. I urge you to not let them discourage you, as we continue to take a stand in rectifying the grave issues with which our country is faced. Our work is not done, but together, we can make a difference. I plan to continue the job started by the tea parties... I guess that makes me a proud tea bagger. Are you?
I realize that the concept of peaceable assembly, where large groups of people come together to make their views known, seems like a foreign concept. For far too long, the silent majority has sat back and watched as extremists and talking heads have encouraged the spewing of hate and fear mongering. Finally, we have reached the threshold of what we can and will tolerate. Tea parties across the country, most organized by small groups of citizens looking to make a difference, were seemingly more than some could comprehend. There was no violence, just citizens united, each wanting to make their voices heard. In that regard, it was a success. The very fact that certain tasteless, tactless people have felt the need to attach what they view as a rude and obscene gesture to the movement tells me it had an impact. I urge you to not let them discourage you, as we continue to take a stand in rectifying the grave issues with which our country is faced. Our work is not done, but together, we can make a difference. I plan to continue the job started by the tea parties... I guess that makes me a proud tea bagger. Are you?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tea Parties...America's reawakening
Just in case anyone is confused, I am not the great and mighty Duke, merely a fill in while he is off adventuring across America. It is an honor to be able to share my thoughts with you, his faithful readers, during this time.
I am sure that many of you were in attendance at a Tea Party this past week. I am equally sure that anyone present, at any of the many locations nationwide, would willingly testify to the power of being in a large crowd of like minded citizens. It was amazing! It was not, however, an isolated day of celebrating being an American and exercising our first amendment rights. It was a beginning. The beginning of a movement, the beginning of an awakening of the American people. As citizens of this great nation, it is not only our right, but our responsibility, to make our voices heard. We owe it to ourselves, to each other, and to future generations to ensure that this country returns to the path which has guided us to where we are.
It is critical that we all take the momentum and energy we experienced last Wednesday and let it inspire us to continue fighting for our country. As citizens, we have to stand up for what we believe, and let those who we have given positions of power know how we feel and what we want. We cannot afford to allow the displeasure expressed on tax day to be the end of our statement. With that in mind, I would like to offer a few suggestions as to how we, as individual citizens, can continue to progress the cause.
There are many, many ways beyond these to get involved and stay involved, including finding groups or organizations that share you views to support and become active in. These suggestions are merely simple things that we can do on a regular basis as citizens to help make our voices heard. As I said earlier, it is not only our right as citizens to get involved in the process, it is our responsibility... and one every citizen should take seriously. Now, go forth and make your voices heard!
I am sure that many of you were in attendance at a Tea Party this past week. I am equally sure that anyone present, at any of the many locations nationwide, would willingly testify to the power of being in a large crowd of like minded citizens. It was amazing! It was not, however, an isolated day of celebrating being an American and exercising our first amendment rights. It was a beginning. The beginning of a movement, the beginning of an awakening of the American people. As citizens of this great nation, it is not only our right, but our responsibility, to make our voices heard. We owe it to ourselves, to each other, and to future generations to ensure that this country returns to the path which has guided us to where we are.
It is critical that we all take the momentum and energy we experienced last Wednesday and let it inspire us to continue fighting for our country. As citizens, we have to stand up for what we believe, and let those who we have given positions of power know how we feel and what we want. We cannot afford to allow the displeasure expressed on tax day to be the end of our statement. With that in mind, I would like to offer a few suggestions as to how we, as individual citizens, can continue to progress the cause.
- write a letter to the editor
- write to your congressional representatives (state and federal)
- start a blog
- talk with friends and family
- educate yourselves
- educate your children
There are many, many ways beyond these to get involved and stay involved, including finding groups or organizations that share you views to support and become active in. These suggestions are merely simple things that we can do on a regular basis as citizens to help make our voices heard. As I said earlier, it is not only our right as citizens to get involved in the process, it is our responsibility... and one every citizen should take seriously. Now, go forth and make your voices heard!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Duke over America is DRIVING OVER AMERICA
Well folks, what does one do when the country is in peril and The President of the United States has a supporter named Garfolo that calls you a racist for attending a PEACEFUL rally?
You go on a ROAD TRIP.
I'm heading out west to VEGAS to meet up with some peoples and get some sunshine in cause Michigan has winters that last tooooo long. No global warming up here Mr Gore!!!
I look forward to seeing the country from the ground and meeting some of the fine folks that make up this country most of us still love.
I will talk to you soon
T. LaDuke
You go on a ROAD TRIP.
I'm heading out west to VEGAS to meet up with some peoples and get some sunshine in cause Michigan has winters that last tooooo long. No global warming up here Mr Gore!!!
I look forward to seeing the country from the ground and meeting some of the fine folks that make up this country most of us still love.
I will talk to you soon
T. LaDuke
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I don't watch 24 cause I'm a racist
Ahhhhhhhh Keith Olberman and Janane Garofolo two things that go together wonderfully.
Like peanut butter and chocolate,
Bill & Hillary
Poop and a Diaper. ( with these two it's a lot of poop so we need a really big diaper)
In the latest installment of reality challenged T.V. our anti hero Keith has on the woefully uninformed Miss Garofolo. She proceeds to comment on everything TEA party related. She knows because she was there at the one in New York. ( she really wasn't but she knows cause she is soooo much smarter than the rest of us)
Anyone of course who was at these TEA parties is a redneck racist according to Miss Garofolo. Up to 250,000 people in these United States of America came out to protest a " Black man" as President.
I personally can't speak for all 4000 people at the TEA party in Lansing Mi but out of the 100 or so people I talked too not ONE of them gave a damn what color or gender the person who has the honor of sitting in the Oval office is, they care what they do! I know this because we all were ticked off that George W Bush had allowed this folly of bailouts to begin and ummmmmmmmm last time I checked Janene he is WHITE. That would probably go for the majority of the people who were there. As for being a redneck , if we are stereotyping I think I remember all rednecks liking NASCAR.
I wanted to tune into Miss Garfolo Air America show the next day to get reaction to the brew ha ha but I could not find it...I wonder why? Maybe they CANCELED Air America ;-)
The last part of her rambling is on Fox news being behind these protests and their ratings from it. This is a part where she has a lil street cred because she knows how to kill ratings.
From out friends over at Hot Air the entire video right here
BTW.....When is Keith gonna get a time out for his spoon feeding of this imbecile. Don Imus was backhanded for damn near the same thing but yet Keith get's hair gel and a stylist for yet another day. I wonder when the board of directors at MSNBC and NBC are gonna smack Zucker and get rid of the former sportscaster. Which will be a sad day for all of us who enjoy watching the deranged talk to the truly deranged.
Like peanut butter and chocolate,
Bill & Hillary
Poop and a Diaper. ( with these two it's a lot of poop so we need a really big diaper)
In the latest installment of reality challenged T.V. our anti hero Keith has on the woefully uninformed Miss Garofolo. She proceeds to comment on everything TEA party related. She knows because she was there at the one in New York. ( she really wasn't but she knows cause she is soooo much smarter than the rest of us)
Anyone of course who was at these TEA parties is a redneck racist according to Miss Garofolo. Up to 250,000 people in these United States of America came out to protest a " Black man" as President.
I personally can't speak for all 4000 people at the TEA party in Lansing Mi but out of the 100 or so people I talked too not ONE of them gave a damn what color or gender the person who has the honor of sitting in the Oval office is, they care what they do! I know this because we all were ticked off that George W Bush had allowed this folly of bailouts to begin and ummmmmmmmm last time I checked Janene he is WHITE. That would probably go for the majority of the people who were there. As for being a redneck , if we are stereotyping I think I remember all rednecks liking NASCAR.
I wanted to tune into Miss Garfolo Air America show the next day to get reaction to the brew ha ha but I could not find it...I wonder why? Maybe they CANCELED Air America ;-)
The last part of her rambling is on Fox news being behind these protests and their ratings from it. This is a part where she has a lil street cred because she knows how to kill ratings.
From out friends over at Hot Air the entire video right here
BTW.....When is Keith gonna get a time out for his spoon feeding of this imbecile. Don Imus was backhanded for damn near the same thing but yet Keith get's hair gel and a stylist for yet another day. I wonder when the board of directors at MSNBC and NBC are gonna smack Zucker and get rid of the former sportscaster. Which will be a sad day for all of us who enjoy watching the deranged talk to the truly deranged.
Janene Garofolo Racist,
Keith Olberman Racist,
Tea Party
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A sleeping giant has AWOKEN
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Lansing , Michigan Tea Party Photo courtesy of Mike Quillinan
So I guess 4000 or more of my closest friends this past Wed don't know anything about the first amendment according to most of the MSM. We should not be protesting the LARGEST spending binge in HISTORY
Bullocks I say to them, BULLOCKS.
The TEA party this past Wed in Lansing Michigan was a rousing success and surpassed anything I was expecting. The Mich State Police estimated the crowd at 4000 plus and unlike most demonstrations on the left, everyone was peaceful and polite!!! It is now the job of all those who attended and those who could not but wanted to to start putting pressure on our elected officials to enact change.
I had the chance to meet some of the organizers and groups on this day and witness some of the hard work they put into it making it look easy.
A big thank you to all the people affiliated with Americans for Prosperity, The New Patriot Revolution, Smart Girl Politics, Fair Tax and the Mackinac Center. I know I'm missing some groups but I was not able to get around to everyone but rest assured there are more groups out there ready to help move this country back to it's foundation.
For more on the Lansing Tea day party click on over here to....Right Michigan

Lansing , Michigan Tea Party Photo courtesy of Mike Quillinan
So I guess 4000 or more of my closest friends this past Wed don't know anything about the first amendment according to most of the MSM. We should not be protesting the LARGEST spending binge in HISTORY
Bullocks I say to them, BULLOCKS.
The TEA party this past Wed in Lansing Michigan was a rousing success and surpassed anything I was expecting. The Mich State Police estimated the crowd at 4000 plus and unlike most demonstrations on the left, everyone was peaceful and polite!!! It is now the job of all those who attended and those who could not but wanted to to start putting pressure on our elected officials to enact change.
I had the chance to meet some of the organizers and groups on this day and witness some of the hard work they put into it making it look easy.
A big thank you to all the people affiliated with Americans for Prosperity, The New Patriot Revolution, Smart Girl Politics, Fair Tax and the Mackinac Center. I know I'm missing some groups but I was not able to get around to everyone but rest assured there are more groups out there ready to help move this country back to it's foundation.
For more on the Lansing Tea day party click on over here to....Right Michigan
Rep Schakowsky is allergic to TEA Parties
Uh oh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the TEA party movement.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) had the misfortune of saying something INCREDIBLY stupid on Tax day this past Wed........
Just when I thought my hometown of Detroit had a monopoly on really DUMB politicians, Illinois has to try to take back the crown
Despicable and shameful eh? For practicing my 1st amendment right? The only thing more uneducated than that is her regurgitating the " TAX CUT for 95% of Americans. Whoops I'm sorry, she must have a inside track on something cause the President has been saying 90% of all Americans. I'm sure with just recently racking up the LARGEST deficit spending in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD we are all going to get tax cuts.
But if we don't I wonder if it would be ok to protest that or am I just being cheeky?
For more of her antics read the rest here
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) had the misfortune of saying something INCREDIBLY stupid on Tax day this past Wed........
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) blasted "tea party" protests yesterday, labeling the activities "despicable" and shameful."
"The 'tea parties' being held today by groups of right-wing activists, and fueled by FOX News Channel, are an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans and creates 3.5 million jobs," Schakowsky said in a statement.
Just when I thought my hometown of Detroit had a monopoly on really DUMB politicians, Illinois has to try to take back the crown
Despicable and shameful eh? For practicing my 1st amendment right? The only thing more uneducated than that is her regurgitating the " TAX CUT for 95% of Americans. Whoops I'm sorry, she must have a inside track on something cause the President has been saying 90% of all Americans. I'm sure with just recently racking up the LARGEST deficit spending in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD we are all going to get tax cuts.
But if we don't I wonder if it would be ok to protest that or am I just being cheeky?
For more of her antics read the rest here
Democratic party,
MSNBC sucks,
Rep Schakowsky,
Tea Parties
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Jane Hamsher....."Oops I fibbed"...No YOU LIED
SO this was the lead up to the SUCESSFULL Tea parties, a liberal demonstration that this lovely lady Jane Hamsher was a speaker at and she has no clue what she was talking about. Kinda was a lead up to the MSM take on the TEA parties. If FOX news had a stake it's real easy to prove right?
It's called a money trail, you don't have one so you are wrong.
I just love the way she high tails it out of there, she is a member of the Keith Olberman school of journalism.......RUN & HIDE
It's called a money trail, you don't have one so you are wrong.
I just love the way she high tails it out of there, she is a member of the Keith Olberman school of journalism.......RUN & HIDE
Right Michigan's top 10 reasons to do the TEA parties
Top 10 lists are always a favortite of mine. This one comes from our freinds over ar the blog Right Michigan on the 10 reasons to attend the TEA party in Lansing.
If you can't make Lansing because you live in Texas attend one anyway, the FUTURE of this country depends on it!
Check out the post right here
If you can't make Lansing because you live in Texas attend one anyway, the FUTURE of this country depends on it!
Check out the post right here
Everyone just SHUT UP, or just conservatives
From our very conservative friends over at hotair.com
a great little video tutorial by Mr Klavan on the history of the left's campaign for anyone who does not agree with them to SHUT UP.
Sit back and ENJOY
a great little video tutorial by Mr Klavan on the history of the left's campaign for anyone who does not agree with them to SHUT UP.
Sit back and ENJOY
Monday, April 13, 2009
Just in time of the TEA parties..Jennifer Granholm shows TAX & TAX & Spend does not work!!!!!
Odd how these things sometimes happen. The Governor of this fine state of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm is delivering a message just in time for the nation wide TEA parties. States that spend too much and drive bushiness out have this happen......
You have not seen a uptick in state revenue? YA THINK!!!
Now sure Michigan has been hit HARD by the Big 3's troubles, but the fact of the matter is this state has driven business and people out for the better part of this Governors administration. Jennifer Granholm has never ONCE proposed to CUT the budget of this state that has had less people in it every year since she has been in office.
Hopefully the TEA parties that are happening this Wed will be the start of the renaissance that this state and the rest of the country need.
Check out the rest of thisarticle right here
Lansing -- The state budget situation is so bad that every dime of federal recovery money could be used to patch holes in the budget, and significant cuts would still have to be made, Gov. Jennifer Granholm said today.
"Suffice to say ... we have not seen an uptick in the sales tax, the income tax, the property tax or the business tax," Granholm said during a news conference at the State Capitol.
State tax receipts have been coming in at least $100 million a month short of projections made in January due to the anemic economy. Legislative leaders will huddle with the state budget director Thursday to discuss the budget in detail, the governor said.
You have not seen a uptick in state revenue? YA THINK!!!
Now sure Michigan has been hit HARD by the Big 3's troubles, but the fact of the matter is this state has driven business and people out for the better part of this Governors administration. Jennifer Granholm has never ONCE proposed to CUT the budget of this state that has had less people in it every year since she has been in office.
Hopefully the TEA parties that are happening this Wed will be the start of the renaissance that this state and the rest of the country need.
Check out the rest of thisarticle right here
Gov Granholm,
State budget,
Tea Parties,
wastefull spending
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I smell some TEA brewing
As I said in a earlier post what a great way to start the week. First, yesterday was Easter Sunday and on this very special day for Christians another miracle of sorts happened when Captain Richard Phillips was rescued by U.S navy seals.
And now this Wednesday is the National TEA party held at locals ALL over the good ole US of A.
Here in MICHIGAN this is going to be the start of changing the way this state government has done business for YEARS. Today's Detroit News has a very interesting article about the upcoming TEA parties and quotes Scott Hagerstrom from Americans for Prosperity on how our Governor has NOT learned her lessons in business 101 very well!!!
This is a great point, cut TAXES and you don't have to fly all over the world to bring business to Michigan, business will come to you!!!
I hope if your in Michigan you will be able to join me in Lansing this Wed at noon with Smart Girl politics, #don't go movement and with special Guest, Joe the Plumber. If you can't make it to Lansing or live in some other great part of this republic then check out this website
GET INVOLVED and help to bring this state and the rest of the country back to fiscal sanity, one voter at a time if need be!
The Detroit News article isRight Here if you want to read more on this story
And now this Wednesday is the National TEA party held at locals ALL over the good ole US of A.
Here in MICHIGAN this is going to be the start of changing the way this state government has done business for YEARS. Today's Detroit News has a very interesting article about the upcoming TEA parties and quotes Scott Hagerstrom from Americans for Prosperity on how our Governor has NOT learned her lessons in business 101 very well!!!
"It seems that all Lansing wants to do is solve problems by raising taxes, using Michigan citizens as an ATM," said protest organizer Scott Hagerstrom, Michigan director for the Americans for Prosperity, a national free market advocacy group.
"The governor has proven that the way to bring businesses to Michigan is to cut taxes," he said. "The film industry is flourishing here now because of their tax cuts and we want them for all Michigan citizens. Take the shackles off everyone so they can use their creative prowess."
This is a great point, cut TAXES and you don't have to fly all over the world to bring business to Michigan, business will come to you!!!
I hope if your in Michigan you will be able to join me in Lansing this Wed at noon with Smart Girl politics, #don't go movement and with special Guest, Joe the Plumber. If you can't make it to Lansing or live in some other great part of this republic then check out this website
GET INVOLVED and help to bring this state and the rest of the country back to fiscal sanity, one voter at a time if need be!
The Detroit News article isRight Here if you want to read more on this story
Happy Easter & Other cool stuff
What a great way to start the Week. Easter starts off the week with the celebration of Jesus beating Death and Sin over the noggin.
Capt Richard Phillips was brought to safety by the U.S navy seals after being held by terrorists ( SCREW calling them Pirates)
And Tea Parties are happening this week to start the process of taking the federal government back to a responsible spending schedule.
I hope everyone had a GREAT Easter and is ready for the coming fights. Let's go out and make a difference and have some FUN doing it
Capt Richard Phillips was brought to safety by the U.S navy seals after being held by terrorists ( SCREW calling them Pirates)
And Tea Parties are happening this week to start the process of taking the federal government back to a responsible spending schedule.
I hope everyone had a GREAT Easter and is ready for the coming fights. Let's go out and make a difference and have some FUN doing it
Capt Richard Phillips,
Tea Party,
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
To BOW or NOT to BOW...or is it a BOW?
Late last week I had posted this entry about the BOW seen round the world.
Well the White House is having a problem figuring out what a BOW is.....
The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.
"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
I would want to be anonymous also if I was trying to float that B S line. For my Liberal friends who are all a flutter about the right going NUTS or trying to be misleading about Obama's intentions for the country, please tell me the White House denying this is anything other than LUNACY!!!!!!
Here is the video once again in case anyone has not seen it. Still waiting for one lil joke about this too from Stewart or Letterman.
click right here to see the rest of the STORY
Well the White House is having a problem figuring out what a BOW is.....
The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.
"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
I would want to be anonymous also if I was trying to float that B S line. For my Liberal friends who are all a flutter about the right going NUTS or trying to be misleading about Obama's intentions for the country, please tell me the White House denying this is anything other than LUNACY!!!!!!
Here is the video once again in case anyone has not seen it. Still waiting for one lil joke about this too from Stewart or Letterman.
click right here to see the rest of the STORY
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The BOW seen round the world
Are you kidding me? I mean seriously, is no one at the state department able to tell this buffoon that he is a HEAD OF STATE and you do NOT BOW at all. First we give out bad DVD's and than give the queen a I-POD of his greatest speeches and now you BOW to other heads of state.
What this country was thinking when we elected amateur hour crew is beyond me, but bowing to the corrupt King of Saudi is just beyond the pale.
I was not always loving Bush 43's relationship with the Saud's but now I kinda miss W's hand holding with them. At least he wasn't bowing over to take it if you know what I mean
Here's the clip.......
What this country was thinking when we elected amateur hour crew is beyond me, but bowing to the corrupt King of Saudi is just beyond the pale.
I was not always loving Bush 43's relationship with the Saud's but now I kinda miss W's hand holding with them. At least he wasn't bowing over to take it if you know what I mean
Here's the clip.......
Tea Parties are coming .....Tea Parties are coming
The TEA parties are coming to a city near you. This is the chance to get out and show WHY this country still rocks the damn world and to show the socialists who are trying to make us mundane that THEY are insane.
I personally will be at the Lansing , Michigan TEA party with about 1000 or so other like minded patriots( including Smart Girl Politics, Don't go movement & Joe the Plumber) who are sick of the spending that this administration and previous ones have shoved down our throats.
I ask EVERYONE get involved and help to make a difference, this country is too precious to allow misguided people follow flawed and failed policies that have ruined other countries.
If you need to find a tea party near you go to..http://taxdayteaparty.com/
And to get ready for the PARTY watch this video to get a lil pumped up. A big thanks to fellow blogger and RFC radio contributor Ms Leslie Carbone who posted this on her excellent blog site here
I just LOVE the fact that John Lennon and the plastic OH NO band are featured for the song.........But this April 15 th is truly going to be POWER TO THE PEOPLE
I personally will be at the Lansing , Michigan TEA party with about 1000 or so other like minded patriots( including Smart Girl Politics, Don't go movement & Joe the Plumber) who are sick of the spending that this administration and previous ones have shoved down our throats.
I ask EVERYONE get involved and help to make a difference, this country is too precious to allow misguided people follow flawed and failed policies that have ruined other countries.
If you need to find a tea party near you go to..http://taxdayteaparty.com/
And to get ready for the PARTY watch this video to get a lil pumped up. A big thanks to fellow blogger and RFC radio contributor Ms Leslie Carbone who posted this on her excellent blog site here
I just LOVE the fact that John Lennon and the plastic OH NO band are featured for the song.........But this April 15 th is truly going to be POWER TO THE PEOPLE
John lennon,
Leslie Carbone,
Tax Day,
Tax protests,
Tea Party
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bill Maher is a DIRT BAG
Absolutely disgusting
This lil gem comes from Hot Air. Bill Maher dishonors the troops who are much braver than he could ever dream of being.
If I would ever be within shot of him with a paintball gun, I would nail him in the nads, except for the fact a Chicken shit like this I'm sure doesn't have any.
Click right here
This lil gem comes from Hot Air. Bill Maher dishonors the troops who are much braver than he could ever dream of being.
If I would ever be within shot of him with a paintball gun, I would nail him in the nads, except for the fact a Chicken shit like this I'm sure doesn't have any.
Click right here
Monday, March 30, 2009
Blue collar bad....White collar not so bad
This one hurts. Yeah I said it!!
The country is rejoicing in most quarters because of the announcement earlier this week that President Obama had " FIRED" Rick Wagoner,CEO of G.M.
Being I'm from Michigan and just outside of Detroit, I am sensitive to what happens to the big 2 and the lil fella Chrysler. So I know I'm biased, so shoot me!!!
It has been much too easy for those of my conservative counterparts to dump on the car companies because of the stupid contracts they let the UAW negotiate for their members. I get that, totally understand it. The UAW did do a bamboozle job and got away with murder on those contracts for the past 20 years. The CEO's of the companies were fools for allowing it.
The companies HAD renegotiated contracts with the union in 2007 to bring costs down to a level more in line with Toyota's beginning in 2011. Yeah I know, why 2011, I have no fricking idea but that's what it was. Something happened on the way to financial security though, the FINANCIAL and BANKING industry's IMPLODED and the credit market's froze. If there is ONE business expert that can show me a business model that allows for a company to lose 40 to 50 % of it's sales from NOV 07 to NOV 08 and weather the storm I would love to see it!!
Detroit does deserve a ton of blame for things it let fester for too many years.The list is WAY too long to mention.
This latest round of things that are happening now is not on that list. They should have moved quicker to achieve parity with Toyota earlier in the decade, but they had started to move in that direction and got caught up in this mess.
So Detroit goes to Washington and asks for 30 billion dollars in LOANS to weather this storm and give it time to implement it's new contracts. The way the grand standers in Washington acted you would have thought it was 300 billion, which by the way is only a 1/3 of what the financial sectors received with no where near the public grandstanding from our elected officials.Now because the government has a stake in the company, President Teleprompter now feels he can run GM better than Wagoner or any one else in the business. Good Luck!!!
So while I understand why my com padres in the conservative sphere are happy that the unions are going to be brought down to size and Detroit is going to have to reform faster than they would have planned, I wonder this aloud.
If you had been offered these incentive laden contracts that were negotiated by the companies and the unions, would you have turned them down?
No you would not.
I don't blame the guys over at AIG who signed contracts that are guaranteeing them a certain amount of money if they stay on during this transition in the companies history either. The rebuke that the govt and the media has given them is mild compared to the thrashing the auto companies have received.
In fact the next time a popular conservative writer such as Michelle Malkin writes a bad thing about the bonuses that are being given out to FAILING white collar sector bailouts, will be the FIRST time.
While I understand the anger, I can see the hypocrisy of how the auto companies have been treated ( poorly) and how the financial sector has been treated ( not so poorly). This bodes incredibly bad for the conservatives who hope to make inroads in the next election and for the future of gaining the " Reagan Democrats" who propelled us to victories in 1980,1984,1988.
Those blue collar democrats actually have much more in common with conservatives than most people know. Let's hope the finger in the eye treatment we have been giving them ends and we can begin to forge a road back to a more prosperous country sooner rather than later
The country is rejoicing in most quarters because of the announcement earlier this week that President Obama had " FIRED" Rick Wagoner,CEO of G.M.
Being I'm from Michigan and just outside of Detroit, I am sensitive to what happens to the big 2 and the lil fella Chrysler. So I know I'm biased, so shoot me!!!
It has been much too easy for those of my conservative counterparts to dump on the car companies because of the stupid contracts they let the UAW negotiate for their members. I get that, totally understand it. The UAW did do a bamboozle job and got away with murder on those contracts for the past 20 years. The CEO's of the companies were fools for allowing it.
The companies HAD renegotiated contracts with the union in 2007 to bring costs down to a level more in line with Toyota's beginning in 2011. Yeah I know, why 2011, I have no fricking idea but that's what it was. Something happened on the way to financial security though, the FINANCIAL and BANKING industry's IMPLODED and the credit market's froze. If there is ONE business expert that can show me a business model that allows for a company to lose 40 to 50 % of it's sales from NOV 07 to NOV 08 and weather the storm I would love to see it!!
Detroit does deserve a ton of blame for things it let fester for too many years.The list is WAY too long to mention.
This latest round of things that are happening now is not on that list. They should have moved quicker to achieve parity with Toyota earlier in the decade, but they had started to move in that direction and got caught up in this mess.
So Detroit goes to Washington and asks for 30 billion dollars in LOANS to weather this storm and give it time to implement it's new contracts. The way the grand standers in Washington acted you would have thought it was 300 billion, which by the way is only a 1/3 of what the financial sectors received with no where near the public grandstanding from our elected officials.Now because the government has a stake in the company, President Teleprompter now feels he can run GM better than Wagoner or any one else in the business. Good Luck!!!
So while I understand why my com padres in the conservative sphere are happy that the unions are going to be brought down to size and Detroit is going to have to reform faster than they would have planned, I wonder this aloud.
If you had been offered these incentive laden contracts that were negotiated by the companies and the unions, would you have turned them down?
No you would not.
I don't blame the guys over at AIG who signed contracts that are guaranteeing them a certain amount of money if they stay on during this transition in the companies history either. The rebuke that the govt and the media has given them is mild compared to the thrashing the auto companies have received.
In fact the next time a popular conservative writer such as Michelle Malkin writes a bad thing about the bonuses that are being given out to FAILING white collar sector bailouts, will be the FIRST time.
While I understand the anger, I can see the hypocrisy of how the auto companies have been treated ( poorly) and how the financial sector has been treated ( not so poorly). This bodes incredibly bad for the conservatives who hope to make inroads in the next election and for the future of gaining the " Reagan Democrats" who propelled us to victories in 1980,1984,1988.
Those blue collar democrats actually have much more in common with conservatives than most people know. Let's hope the finger in the eye treatment we have been giving them ends and we can begin to forge a road back to a more prosperous country sooner rather than later
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Only for Football fans
This had me really upset.
I was kinda hoping the T O came to Detroit. Oh well.
By the way. This video is meant to be funny , if you dont understand football or have a sense of humor, SORRY
I was kinda hoping the T O came to Detroit. Oh well.
By the way. This video is meant to be funny , if you dont understand football or have a sense of humor, SORRY
Friday, March 20, 2009
Obama trys to screw Wounded Vets, how so vey compassionate
I'm so PISSED off about this story I can't see straight..from Yahoo news........
I don't care that the administration has backpedaled on this AFTER the Democrats in Congress said this was DEAD ON ARRIVAL.
This is really the part that IRKS me. You might be trying to figure some way to generate income CASUE YOUR SPENDING A SHIT LOAD OF MONEY. Some damn bean counter came up with this asinine idea to have the men and women who have SERVED and sacrificed for this country pay for their own medical insurance with injuries suffered WHILE IN COMBAT. Yeah i don't expect the egg head to know that might be a bad idea, he probably thinks Wrestling is not staged...YOU DILLWEED.
You might think though, that ELECTED officials such as Rahm Emanuel and Barrack Obama would have their radars go up on this issue. Especially after the the commander of the American legion has a meeting with you TOOLS, and you let the man leave red faced and he says this...... " he refused to hear arguments" meaning the President.
Do you actually think the press is going to look the other way on every DUMB ASS thing you people propose.
This is an embarrassment to the people of this country, and more IMPORTANTLY to the men and women who have worn this country's uniform and been injured.
This country deserves much better than these amateurs at the helm!!!
Read the rest of this sickening story...Right Here
The leader of the nation's largest veterans organization says he is "deeply disappointed and concerned" after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries. The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases.
"It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan," said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. "He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it."
I don't care that the administration has backpedaled on this AFTER the Democrats in Congress said this was DEAD ON ARRIVAL.
This is really the part that IRKS me. You might be trying to figure some way to generate income CASUE YOUR SPENDING A SHIT LOAD OF MONEY. Some damn bean counter came up with this asinine idea to have the men and women who have SERVED and sacrificed for this country pay for their own medical insurance with injuries suffered WHILE IN COMBAT. Yeah i don't expect the egg head to know that might be a bad idea, he probably thinks Wrestling is not staged...YOU DILLWEED.
You might think though, that ELECTED officials such as Rahm Emanuel and Barrack Obama would have their radars go up on this issue. Especially after the the commander of the American legion has a meeting with you TOOLS, and you let the man leave red faced and he says this...... " he refused to hear arguments" meaning the President.
Do you actually think the press is going to look the other way on every DUMB ASS thing you people propose.
This is an embarrassment to the people of this country, and more IMPORTANTLY to the men and women who have worn this country's uniform and been injured.
This country deserves much better than these amateurs at the helm!!!
Read the rest of this sickening story...Right Here
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Jon Stewart nails Obama administration
Here at Duke over America we offer our opinions, which sometimes means that we are a taaaad bit critical of people sometimes. I have spoken of Jon Stewart being a funny guy but a bit of a tool with a agenda. Also It worries me that people actually will quote his show on serious issues verbatim.
When someone get's it right though they should be pointed out for that, unlike how they do it on MSNBC!!!!!
On this issue Stewart got it right. Not the part about the Navy seals either!!!!!
Check it out Via Hot Air right HERE
When someone get's it right though they should be pointed out for that, unlike how they do it on MSNBC!!!!!
On this issue Stewart got it right. Not the part about the Navy seals either!!!!!
Check it out Via Hot Air right HERE
Monday, March 16, 2009
Alec Baldwin is right...I kinda wanna cry

This is troubling news. Last week on Countdown, everyone's favorite sportscaster turned Liberal HACK kinda praised President Bush. Now Alec Baldwin actually said something that made sense, that he didn't READ from a script....... From the Wall Street Journal........
We're constantly told that taxes don't matter to business and investors, but listen to that noted supply-side economist, Alec Baldwin. The actor recently rebuked New York Governor David Paterson for threatening to try to help close the state's $7 billion budget deficit by canceling a 35% tax credit for films shot in the Big Apple.
"I'm telling you right now," Mr. Baldwin declared, "if these tax breaks are not reinstated into the budget, film production in this town is going to collapse, and television is going to collapse and it's all going to go to California." Well, well. Apparently taxes do matter, at least when it comes to filming "30 Rock" in Manhattan.
Tax cuts matter. WHEW. Glad I lived long enough to see that proven. I mean when a liberal icon get's it, debate over right?
The only thing he got wrong is that the state of Michigan is offering better tax incentives than California right now. Bring 30 rock here to the mitt Alec. The only difference between Michigan and California is...................... Hold on...Wait for it....
The weather
Read the rest of the Journal story HERE
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Darth Cheney and the war on Terror
Whatever your opinion of Dick Cheney is, this is one thing I feel cant be disputed. He is one of the most serious and forthright politicians we have had in national politics.
The message he delivered on CNN yesterday was a harsh reminder of what we are up against in the war on terror and it's consequences if we fail.
In a wide-ranging interview with CNN's "State of the Union," Cheney said the harsh interrogations of suspects and the use of warrantless electronic surveillance were "absolutely essential" to get information to prevent more attacks like the 2001 suicide hijackings that targeted New York and Washington.
"President Obama campaigned against it all across the country, and now he is making some choices that, in my mind, will, in fact, raise the risk to the American people of another attack," he said.
I know it is in VOGUE right now not to water board and to close GITMO because the " HOPE" is the terrorists will treat us better. What was it that we did to these looney's before Sept 11, 2001? Ohhhhhhhh that's right we were nice to Israel.
Cheney delivers a sobering assessment on the Obama's administrations change of direction in handling these killers. Treating this as a law enforcement matter and not a military one will severely hamper us in continuing this battle going into the future. The Clinton administration did the same thing, but I believe had 9-11 happened under Bill Clinton he would have pursued the same course as Bush did and change the application of how to handle these scum as a military matter.
If God forbid another attack happens, I wonder what President Obama's excuse will be?
Read the rest of the story and see the video rightHERE
The message he delivered on CNN yesterday was a harsh reminder of what we are up against in the war on terror and it's consequences if we fail.
In a wide-ranging interview with CNN's "State of the Union," Cheney said the harsh interrogations of suspects and the use of warrantless electronic surveillance were "absolutely essential" to get information to prevent more attacks like the 2001 suicide hijackings that targeted New York and Washington.
"President Obama campaigned against it all across the country, and now he is making some choices that, in my mind, will, in fact, raise the risk to the American people of another attack," he said.
I know it is in VOGUE right now not to water board and to close GITMO because the " HOPE" is the terrorists will treat us better. What was it that we did to these looney's before Sept 11, 2001? Ohhhhhhhh that's right we were nice to Israel.
Cheney delivers a sobering assessment on the Obama's administrations change of direction in handling these killers. Treating this as a law enforcement matter and not a military one will severely hamper us in continuing this battle going into the future. The Clinton administration did the same thing, but I believe had 9-11 happened under Bill Clinton he would have pursued the same course as Bush did and change the application of how to handle these scum as a military matter.
If God forbid another attack happens, I wonder what President Obama's excuse will be?
Read the rest of the story and see the video rightHERE
Dick Cheney,
President Obama,
state of the union,
terroist attack
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nancy Pelosi loves her some military Planes
She's Got a Ticket to ride and she don't care...... The Beatles in 1965 speaking possibly of future Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Welllllllll our lil Nancy does have a ticket to ride, and it seems if the ride is not to her choosing she seems to throw a fit like a teenager being denied a ticket to a Jonas Bros concert.
From Women on the Web..
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems to treat the Air Force like her own personal airline.
Well, that’s according to Judicial Watch, a public interest group that has Defense Department documents dishing the dirt on Pelosi’s frequent requests for military air travel. Pelosi apparently really likes the G5 plane, in particular.
Geeeez what the hell Nancy, you have to be knocked down to a G-5? Was Air Force One not available?
This women was on some people's radar's a long time ago as a TOP hypocrite and she in not failing those who had faith in her all those years ago.Lecture us ALL about the dangers of global warming and our carbon footprint but demand the best plane to haul your ass around the country FREE!! That she has the audacity to demand the Air Force account for where these planes are that she thinks she is entitled too and that they fly out of their way back to her diggs in California to accommodate her is absolutely ludicrous.
I would like to think the people of San Fransisco would wisen up and send her packing.
But I could also hope for a Beatles reunion too, and that aint happening either!!!
Read the rest of this story right here
Welllllllll our lil Nancy does have a ticket to ride, and it seems if the ride is not to her choosing she seems to throw a fit like a teenager being denied a ticket to a Jonas Bros concert.
From Women on the Web..
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems to treat the Air Force like her own personal airline.
Well, that’s according to Judicial Watch, a public interest group that has Defense Department documents dishing the dirt on Pelosi’s frequent requests for military air travel. Pelosi apparently really likes the G5 plane, in particular.
Geeeez what the hell Nancy, you have to be knocked down to a G-5? Was Air Force One not available?
This women was on some people's radar's a long time ago as a TOP hypocrite and she in not failing those who had faith in her all those years ago.Lecture us ALL about the dangers of global warming and our carbon footprint but demand the best plane to haul your ass around the country FREE!! That she has the audacity to demand the Air Force account for where these planes are that she thinks she is entitled too and that they fly out of their way back to her diggs in California to accommodate her is absolutely ludicrous.
I would like to think the people of San Fransisco would wisen up and send her packing.
But I could also hope for a Beatles reunion too, and that aint happening either!!!
Read the rest of this story right here
Carville wanted Bush to fail in 2001

It is my quest here at Duke over America to prove that James Carville is not a brilliant political strategist. He's a good one, but not brilliant. Give me Bill Clinton in 1992 with the the setup he had and Clinton wins by another 3 to 5 points!!!
So when last week as I posted here that our non boy wonder along with his tool like pal were exposed for setting the MSM afire with a plot to demonize Rush Limbaugh and deflect the crap that The White house and The Congress were trying to shove down our throats I was non too surprised.
I was however surprised when i read this today over at Fox news....
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, just minutes before learning of the terrorist attacks on America, Democratic strategist James Carville was hoping for President Bush to fail, telling a group of Washington reporters: "I certainly hope he doesn't succeed."
I think I just heard the sound of James brains splattering on the wall, what lil brain matter the rajun cajun has left.
The article never goes into what it is about Bush's policies that Carville wants to 'FAIL" just that he want Bush to fail. Unlike the recent Rush flap where Limbaugh specifically points out what policies he wants of Obama's to fail. I doubt Carvile was specific. He rarely is.
It is very troubling though that this is JUST coming out about the architect of the Rush non story and how he has been able to manipulate the press for so long!!!
I guess it shows that when you put PARTY before COUNTRY anything goes, as long as you get paid,and even if your country suffers
Read the Fox News cliphere
Carville wants President to fail,
Sept 11
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Chinese just wanted to Play

The Chinese on Sunday decided to play chicken with a U.S Navy ship Impeccable, which is a Ocean mapping ship. This is how the Incident happened according to the good guys......
"On March 8th 2009, five Chinese vessels shadowed and aggressively manoeuvred in dangerously close proximity to USNS Impeccable, in an apparent coordinated effort to harass the US ocean surveillance ship while it was conducting routine operations in international waters," the Pentagon said.
I'm sure this has NOTHING to do the Chinese possibly trying to test the new Obama administration as they did with Bush administration with the spy plane incident in April of 2001.
The Chinese were quiet for the rest of Bush's terms at least in challenging us publicly again with any military force. We shall see how well the message is received in Beijing from the new Sheriff in town.
I'm guessing this will happen again and again!!!!
Read the rest of the story ...here
blocking U S Navy ship,
south China sea,
war games
When it's Carville and Begala ya know it's gotta be DUMB
Just one day after getting my Liberal errrrrrrr Progressive friends on Twitter all jacked up because I had the notion to suggest the Rush Limbaugh flap was a Democrat manufactured story line, this pops up in Politico
The strategy took shape after Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville included Limbaugh’s name in an October poll and learned their longtime tormentor was deeply unpopular with many Americans, especially younger voters. Then the conservative talk-radio host emerged as an unapologetic critic of Barack Obama shortly before his inauguration, when even many Republicans were showering him with praise.
WOW how did I know that? If you have watched Carville and his Lil sidekick Begala for any number of years you know they are the most uncreative pair of political hacks ever to grace the American political scene. Yes even more so than Bob Shrum.
These two have been living off their alleged brilliance in the 1992 campaign and milking it for every dollar their untalented little hides can muster. Running a campaign with Bill Clinton against a lethargic sitting President and a third party Billionaire,R Kelly could have run that campaign while he was not chasing underage girls.
That this story has not been front PAGE news and that the other conference call conspiracy culprit in George Stephanopoulos still is the Chief Washington Correspondent over at ABC news is really telling.
The Main Stream media are no longer reporting the news, they are more interested in MAKING up the news
Click to read the politico story right here
The strategy took shape after Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville included Limbaugh’s name in an October poll and learned their longtime tormentor was deeply unpopular with many Americans, especially younger voters. Then the conservative talk-radio host emerged as an unapologetic critic of Barack Obama shortly before his inauguration, when even many Republicans were showering him with praise.
WOW how did I know that? If you have watched Carville and his Lil sidekick Begala for any number of years you know they are the most uncreative pair of political hacks ever to grace the American political scene. Yes even more so than Bob Shrum.
These two have been living off their alleged brilliance in the 1992 campaign and milking it for every dollar their untalented little hides can muster. Running a campaign with Bill Clinton against a lethargic sitting President and a third party Billionaire,R Kelly could have run that campaign while he was not chasing underage girls.
That this story has not been front PAGE news and that the other conference call conspiracy culprit in George Stephanopoulos still is the Chief Washington Correspondent over at ABC news is really telling.
The Main Stream media are no longer reporting the news, they are more interested in MAKING up the news
Click to read the politico story right here
Abc News,
Polititco Micheal Steele,
Rush Limbaugh
Monday, March 9, 2009
Al Gore RUNS from his critics
The Gore has struck again!!
On his continuing moneymaking venture called " Global Warming INC" Albert went to talk with WSJ Eco nomics gab fab in California. Someone had the cojnes to question the High Preist of Global Warming....From the WSJ
Former Vice President Al Gore repeated his message that climate change is a planetary emergency at the WSJ’s Eco:nomics conference in California. The Nobel-prize winner declined to take any questions from reporters, but he did receive a couple of challenges from attendees, including Bjorn Lomborg. But don’t expect Mr. Gore to debate the merits of how best to tackle climate change anytime soon.
WHOA. Who is this Bjorn Lomborg and why does he question the Goracle?
It seems Mr Lomborg has a little bit of a different opinion on The former V P's claims about the Catastrophe we are heading towards. Why Albert did not want to enter into a debate is quite obvious. HE KNOWS HE's LYING.
Gore is making a TON of dough off of this while America foots the bill. That he is able to still make his pilgrimages to all parts of the earth telling his falsehoods about the Earth being the warmest it has ever been is disturbing.
Hopefully Mr Lomborg will continue in his quest to debate Albert. If Al ever has enough of that Tennessee Whiskey they make in his home state and accepts he will get creamed and I want a front row seat!!!!
Bjorn Lomborg
On his continuing moneymaking venture called " Global Warming INC" Albert went to talk with WSJ Eco nomics gab fab in California. Someone had the cojnes to question the High Preist of Global Warming....From the WSJ
Former Vice President Al Gore repeated his message that climate change is a planetary emergency at the WSJ’s Eco:nomics conference in California. The Nobel-prize winner declined to take any questions from reporters, but he did receive a couple of challenges from attendees, including Bjorn Lomborg. But don’t expect Mr. Gore to debate the merits of how best to tackle climate change anytime soon.
WHOA. Who is this Bjorn Lomborg and why does he question the Goracle?
It seems Mr Lomborg has a little bit of a different opinion on The former V P's claims about the Catastrophe we are heading towards. Why Albert did not want to enter into a debate is quite obvious. HE KNOWS HE's LYING.
Gore is making a TON of dough off of this while America foots the bill. That he is able to still make his pilgrimages to all parts of the earth telling his falsehoods about the Earth being the warmest it has ever been is disturbing.
Hopefully Mr Lomborg will continue in his quest to debate Albert. If Al ever has enough of that Tennessee Whiskey they make in his home state and accepts he will get creamed and I want a front row seat!!!!
Bjorn Lomborg
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Jon Stewart beware...Here comes "The Snark Factor with Fingers Malloy"

Back to the grind, have not posted in 3 weeks it seems.
I was Indiana over the weekend preparing for the launch of the most innovative thing to come down the pike since the invention of the Internet and Global Warming by Al Gore.
I'm proud to announce that " The Snark Factor with Fingers Malloy" makes it's debut tomorrow at 5p.m. on RFC Radio.com.
What is the Snark Factor you ask? Well let me quote the RFC radio website to answer that question
Imagine a radio show that combines the writing style of Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update with the satirical commentary of The Daily Show.
The difference between these shows and The Snark Factor is that this radio show will be written from a right wing point of view. And it will all be jam-packed into 30 minutes.
How is this possible?
Three words:
Fingers Malloy!!
Check out this soon to be award winning PROMO...
If Liberals can use children for effect why not Conservatives?
I'm happy as hell to say that I'm part of this fine program and that If you don't listen Fingers and I have nothing better to do so we will find you and beat you!!!
For the children of course!!!!
Please Listen to " The Snark Factor with Fingers Malloy" Tues @5 pm on RFC RADIO.COM
Daily Show,
Fingers Malloy,
Jon Stewart,
Snark Factor
Monday, March 2, 2009
Rush Limbaugh & The conservative intelligentsia

The Micheal Steele, Rush Limbaugh dust up over the past couple of days has actually been somewhat amusing to watch. I was a bit surprised that Mr Steele would let a True Entertainer, like D L Hugley rope him into such a dumb question and ridiculous premise on his show Sat as to whether Rush is the leader of the GOP.
Micheal Steele has a TON of experience in these type of situations and knows how to sidestep this stuff. The Democrats are trying to tag a figure THEY deem as unpopular as 'LEADING THE CHARGE" and want to change the subject from what they are trying to shove down our throats. Steele apologized Monday after Limabugh went on his radio program and responded to the Hughley program and comments made.
Now I know a lot of this will be spun as Steele groveling. Total Bullshit. Rush is not the leader of any movement or party anymore than Keith Olberman is for the Dems, although fellow blogger John Brodigan makes a somewhat convincing tongue in cheek point on this here Rush is a voice in the conservative movement and a very loud voice. I really believe Steele is much smarter than the trap he got pulled into on Sat getting baited on this stupid premise.
The point Limbaugh is bringing up and being attacked for namely wanting Obama to fail is absurd. IF the President is trying to promote policies that are going to drag the country down it is our duty to try and oppose him and anyone else who lines up for this boondoggle.Just as I thought President Bush was wrong on his domestic spending increases and the Libs on the war.
Which brings me to a lil thing which has been bugging me for over a year now.
The liberals have a unusual allies in this smear effort on El Rushbo.
The Conservative ELITE.
I don't know any of these people personally but I read what they write and I'm amazed at the hate they have for Limbaugh. I get if you don't particularly care for Rush's over the top pontificating, I tire of it too. He can be a lil overbearing and over the top.
But on the issue of the President being wrong to take the country down this road, Rush is RIGHT. And if you scholars would take a moment to separate yourselves from your own ego's you would know he's right on most other things also. I know this is hard for most of these people to do , being that they are really too busy to tell you how smart they are, or what degrees they have.Or how many times they have met President Bush and how long they worked for some elected official or the GOP committee.
This is the thing Egg heads, the people you need to get Conservatives elected don't care. Never have, never will.
This probably makes you sad. Don't fret, there is a movement brewing that you will become part of and try to claim as your own and that fine, middle America doesn't care who get's the credit just as long as the job get's done and the right people are elected.
Now please don't get me wrong just because you don't get Rush, doesn't mean you fall into the above category. Those that I have engaged in conversation through written correspondence are not able to articulate what it is that Rush is saying that is wrong. They just don't like the a " GUY" like Limbaugh is saying it.
Hopefully to achieve our mutual goal of helping America continue to be the best country it can be, those who are the self proclaimed a taddddd bit smarter than the rest of us can play nice with us dullards and get along.
Do it or the Bus to 2010 will most likely run you over
Conservative movement,
D L Hugley,
Micheal Steele,
Obama Fail,
Rush Limbaugh
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Your energy cost going UP, Thanks to the AGE OF OBAMA

So here we go ,
On the Sunday news talk shows two Obama administration officials basically said " SCREW YOU " to the American people.
But they said it with smiles on their faces at least
From The USA today....
The administration's top budget official, Peter Orszag, said on ABC's "This Week" that Americans can expect higher energy prices as a result of the administration's budget and stimulus plans.
Speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation," Emanuel said energy costs are too low, anyway, and U.S. car companies relied too long on gas-guzzling autos and failed to invest in alternative energy vehicles.
Glad we got that out of the way. I mean we really have been paying WAY too little for energy prices ,well since the last failed Presidency in modern day history ended. In case your wondering that would be Jimmy Carters Presidency
And this bunch of liberal tool boxes is making a run at Carter's ineptitude at breakneck speed.
I really don't remember anyone in the Obama campaign saying " Hey were gonna spend a TON of money we haven't even printed yet and your going to pay more in prices for energy all across the board" I do remember them blaming the Bush administration for high gas price at the pump while alleging that the Bushies were in cahoots with big oil.
Who are you guys in cahoots with?
And as I posted a couple of weeks ago right here why in the HELL are the unions in bed with the DEMOCRATS when they constantly kick those guys. No one and I mean no one ( especially EVERYONE IN GOVERNMENT) could foresee the market dropping out from underneath them like the BIG 3 have. Americans are not buying more fuel efficient cars from Japan and not Detroit ...THERE NOT BUYING CARS.
But that doesn't fit Rahm and the democrats story scenario so off we go with more demagoguery.
To read the rest of the story, click here
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