Friday, January 23, 2009

RFC RADIO...It's about damn time

This is a damn novel idea. RFC or Radio for conservatives is scheduled to start broadcasting on Monday February 16 and make history as the Internets first 24/7 radio station for the conservative in all of us. This is really a Idea that time has come and it arrives right on your computer on February 16.

Here is a brief breakdown from the RFC website of what you can expect to hear.....

Our goal at RFC Radio is to create a conservative radio station with quality original content that will be valuable to the entire online conservative community. We want to help promote conservative values and news in a way that isn’t boring. We also want to help bust through the absurd stereotype that conservatives are all rich white men. We conservatives are more than Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, we’re Michelle Malkin and La Shawn Barber and Alfonzo Rachel and guys like me who read comic books and play video games and listen to Rage Against The Machine.

Please go over to the the RFC website and check out more of what they plan on doing and if you can also contribute, I am, hopefully so can you!!!!!

2010 is not that far away and I'm glad we will be able to prep with RFC radio in the BLARING in the background!!!!!!

To go to RFC radio site click

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

T - thanks for the promo! We're excited! And don't forget to call and leave a funny/cool message for broadcasting on Launch Day!