Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Monica Conyers to the rescue in the Middle east....Hurray

I read this story three times just trying to imagine what good is going to come of this.


Monica Conyers, current Detroit City Council President and wife of legendary Congressperson John Conyers, will be heading to Israel on a FACT FINDING mission to see what can be done to achieve peace!!

Can't make this stuff up folks.

Illinois and Chicago might be the most corrupt and sad place on the earth for politicians but dammit if Michigan and Detroit don't give try to give those bastards a run for their money!!

For those of you not in the know, Monica has a long and distinguished track record of let's say , losing her cool.

In April of 2007, she made headlines when she called former Council President and current Detroit Mayor Ken Cockrel " SHREK" during a shouting match in council chambers.She has also been involved in a number of other brush ups with the police needing to get involved.

The only logical reason I can think of her going is to show the Israeli's how WE do it in Detroit!!!

Hamas doesn't stand a chance.!!!

Below is a video of the blow up in council and her getting questioned later that week by a 8th grader in the Detroit Public Schools system. IT IS A CLASSIC

Hat tip to Charlie LeDuff of the Detroit News for the video

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